If you are here, you clicked on a link advertising my list of Neuroscience-themed mixed drinks. I came up with this list on a snowy autumn night right before driving down to DC for SFN. Since it's autumn again, and SFN is around the corner, I have decided to re-post the list.
If we are all lucky and nice to her, Dr Becca, who is a literal former professional mixologist, will create a drink. I will procure the ingredients, and we will share at #sfnBANTER, on Monday of SFN at 6:30 PM at Evangeline. Details here.
The list:
- Basil Ganglia (not my invention, but inspired the rest...)
- Sex on the Bench
- Slyvian Spritzer
- Nodes of Courvoisier
- Serotini
- NoradrenalGin
- Brodmann’s Area 7&7
- Johnny Walker Red Nucleus
- Shirley Temporal Lobe
- Myelin Tai
- Curarecao
- Whiskey Barrel Cortex (my personal favorite)
- Hot Nema Toddy
- Seagrams Elegans
- Gamma Amino Buttered rum
- Substantia Negroni
- Midori Oblongata
- White Matter Russian
- Corona Section
- Hippocampari
- Drosophilold Fashioned
- Caipirhinal Cortex
- Macaca mojito
- Tubule Libre
- Bombay Syn Fire Chain
- Southern Comfort Blot
- Creme de Menthe-yl D Aspartate
- Sazeraclopride
- Brandy Alzheimer
- Single unit electro fizzy
- Henry Jameson
- Long Island Term Potentiation
The following clever suggestions were made in the comments section as well:
- Golgi’s Grey Goose (Lucas)
- Cuervospnal fluid (Lucas)
- Deoxygenated Bloody Mary (Lucas)
- Absolut Refractory Period (Namnezia)
- Executive Motor Cointreau (Namnezia)
- Apoptonic (Namnezia)